I predicted that my Tier One lens, which has stayed in the top 100 pages on Squidoo for literally YEARS now, would start to drop in rank, and that once it falls into Tier Two (and I've gotten paid for the T1 time) I would move it to this website.
Looks like I was right. Yesterday it had a rank of 83 after bouncing between 75 and 83 for weeks on end. Today it's dropping like the fake rock from Amazon in the picture and is sitting at 112.
I've suspected for a long time that there was something artificial about it staying so high in lens rank, and I believe that having turned in my Giant100 and Angel Wings I would see a drastic drop in lens rank over time.
Oh, Well. It is what it is. Time to move on.
Foam Rocks are fun. When they filmed part of the Star Wars franchise up in Del Norte County, they gave one of the boulders to the fellow who owns the little store and gas station out in Fort Dick, where it is on display to this day. When my kids were little, I had some foam rocks that were fun to throw at people. I had a nice walk down memory lane looking at these foam rocks that are available on Amazon. Goofy Gag Gifts, anyone?