Woody Island When It Still Had Trees - RPPC Image
Everything changes on a continual basis. Nothing remains the same for very long, with a very few exceptions like slow growing ancient redwoods, and some long lasting rock formations. Even those, though, are in flux - we just can't see the changes because they are happening over a longer period of time than we are capable of comprehending. This could be why rituals and routines are so important to humans. In a world of constant dynamics, familiar territory and people are comforting and help us feel less afraid of what's around the bend.
Nothing stops the changes, though. We age, our children grow up, jobs are lost, people retire, and along the way lots of things can go wrong, sometimes very, very wrong.
The image above is of a Real Picture Postcard with a photograph of a natural formation located on Pebble Beach in Crescent City, known to people who live there as Woody Island. This picture predates the 1970's when I moved there as a teen. There were only 4 or 5 trees left by then, and they weren't nearly as full and lush as in the image. Now in 2013, I don't think there are any trees left at all.
But like Woody Island, in our lives change continues and as much as we might like to go back and relive the happy times in our past, we still must face the present reality and try to make choices that will bring about changes that are welcome while minimizing the odds that something catastrophic will ruin all of our plans.
I'm turning 56 this month, and the changes that have happened in the past years have pretty much kept me off balance most of the time. Nothing has turned out in my life the way I envisioned or planned. In fact, as I look back, I wonder if there's a higher power at work herding me down a path I didn't choose.
I never thought I'd be this old still taking care of my grown children, nor did I anticipate being so stove up at such a young age, contemplating applying for disability because of a physical condition I can't seem to shake. But ... it is what it is, and while I can look back and bemoan my fate all day long, it doesn't change what is and it doesn't help me work out a better future.
So rather than messing around with all the projects I toy with on the internet, it's time to get down to brass tacks and focus on the activities that bring in the most money, for money does solve a lot of problems. For me right now, given the situation, that means listing on eBay.
Nothing stops the changes, though. We age, our children grow up, jobs are lost, people retire, and along the way lots of things can go wrong, sometimes very, very wrong.
The image above is of a Real Picture Postcard with a photograph of a natural formation located on Pebble Beach in Crescent City, known to people who live there as Woody Island. This picture predates the 1970's when I moved there as a teen. There were only 4 or 5 trees left by then, and they weren't nearly as full and lush as in the image. Now in 2013, I don't think there are any trees left at all.
But like Woody Island, in our lives change continues and as much as we might like to go back and relive the happy times in our past, we still must face the present reality and try to make choices that will bring about changes that are welcome while minimizing the odds that something catastrophic will ruin all of our plans.
I'm turning 56 this month, and the changes that have happened in the past years have pretty much kept me off balance most of the time. Nothing has turned out in my life the way I envisioned or planned. In fact, as I look back, I wonder if there's a higher power at work herding me down a path I didn't choose.
I never thought I'd be this old still taking care of my grown children, nor did I anticipate being so stove up at such a young age, contemplating applying for disability because of a physical condition I can't seem to shake. But ... it is what it is, and while I can look back and bemoan my fate all day long, it doesn't change what is and it doesn't help me work out a better future.
So rather than messing around with all the projects I toy with on the internet, it's time to get down to brass tacks and focus on the activities that bring in the most money, for money does solve a lot of problems. For me right now, given the situation, that means listing on eBay.